The dimmer module which is
prepared to adjust the light intensity of halogen armatures and led armatures,
allows you to easily adjust the luminous intensity of the armatures with a
pushbutton(N.O.) or a potentiometer located in one or several locations.
Supply Voltage Range: 11… 30 Volts DC
Maximum Load (Positive Dimm): 12 Volt = 100 Watt 24
Volt = 150 Watt
Loads that can be dimmed: Flemish and halogen
fixtures, led fixtures that can be dimmed without feeding (driver-free)
Dimming Tools: N.O. Push button / 1Kohm potentiometer
Dimming Value: 5%… 99%
Dimm Function: Off / On / Light adjustment when button
is pressed
Dimensions: e.35 X b.53 X d.40 mm
Weight: 78 g