TDC 17 Led and Halogen Light Dimmer

Electronic Control Cards
Level Gauges
Magnetic Level Gauges
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Level Sensors
Level Switches
Bilge Alarm Sensor

Bilge Level Switch - Alarm Sensor
The dimmer module which is prepared to adjust the light intensity of halogen armatures and led armatures, allows you to easily adjust the luminous intensity of the armatures with a pushbutton(N.O.) or a potentiometer located in one or several locations.
Supply Voltage Range: 11… 30 Volts DC
Maximum Load (Positive Dimm): 12 Volt = 100 Watt 24 Volt = 150 Watt
Loads that can be dimmed: Flemish and halogen fixtures, led fixtures that can be dimmed without feeding (driver-free)
Dimming Tools: N.O. Push button / 1Kohm potentiometer
Dimming Value: 5%… 99%
Dimm Function: Off / On / Light adjustment when button is pressed
Dimensions: e.35 X b.53 X d.40 mm
Weight: 78 g